Are you tired of waking up with lower back pain that you can’t quite shake? You aren’t alone. Lower back pain is a common issue that can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks and leave you feeling less than your best. But this back pain isn’t everlasting; something as simple as trying out new sleep positions can make a world of difference and alleviate this pain.
At Ogden Chiropractic, our team has compiled a list of several sleep positions to try that may alleviate lower back pain and allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. With the help of our team, you can say goodbye to restless nights and hello to pain-free sleep. If you want to learn the secrets to a good night’s sleep, keep reading to learn about what sleep positions we recommend.
How Sleep Positions Influence Back Pain
You might not realize how much influence different sleep positions have on your back and other body aches. However, choosing the right sleep positions can make a substantial difference in the way you feel. Improper sleep positions can lead to kinks and muscle tension if they cause you to lay in unnatural positions. If you wake up feeling tense and in pain, it may be a result of your chosen sleep positions, and it is best to try adjusting your position to prevent this pain.
1. The Fetal Position
If you’re dealing with herniated discs, a good night’s sleep might seem like a far-off dream. But there is hope if you sleep in the fetal position. Sleep positions like this curl your body into a ball and gently open up the space between your vertebrae. The fetal position does a great job of naturally decompressing your spine.
So, if you are dealing with a herniated disc and nothing has given you much-needed relief, consider trying to sleep in the fetal position. It may be the key to the peaceful sleep you’ve been waiting for.
2. A Reclined Position
When it comes to dealing with lower back pain, the reclined position may be a game-changer. This sleep posture offers support to your lower back by redistributing your body weight. This redistribution of weight helps your spine maintain its natural curve, making it a great choice for chronic back pain sufferers and those looking to prevent it.
In a reclined position, your lower back may get the relief it needs throughout the night, allowing you to wake up feeling relaxed and recuperated. Whether you have persistent back pain or want to avoid it altogether, a reclined position is a simple way to ensure you have a pain-free night.
3. Flat On Your Back
Sleeping on your back is a wonderful way to prevent back pain, though it may be overlooked by those who deal with chronic discomfort. However, if you do choose to sleep on your back, one way to enhance the benefits you’ll experience, place a pillow under your knees. This small adjustment can work wonders by providing the right amount of support where it’s needed most.
When you lie on your back, you create the perfect position for your spine. The pillow elevates your knees to help you maintain the natural curve of your lower back while reducing the stress on your lumbar region. If you’ve been dealing with lower back pain, consider laying on your back for a night to see if it helps.
4. On Your Side with a Pillow Between Your Knees
When back pain is too severe for you to lay on your back, you may find solace by sleeping on your side with a pillow tucked between your knees. By turning on your side, you can relieve some of the discomfort that might have been exacerbated by lying flat on your back. However, simply lying on your side isn’t enough.
By sleeping with a pillow between your knees, you may align your hips, pelvis, and spine in ways you cannot without this support. This pillow creates harmony throughout your body and maybe your pathway to a more restful and pain-free night’s sleep.
Other Ways To Prevent Back Pain
Your chosen sleep positions aren’t the only way to prevent lower back pain. If you have been dealing with pain for quite some time, you may want to incorporate stretching into your nightly routine. This routine can stretch your muscles and help you feel more rested. You may also want to avoid caffeine and alcohol before. These act as a stimulant, which may disrupt your sleep schedule and make it difficult for you to feel comfortable as you rest.
Care For Your Back With Ogden Chiropractic
Lower back pain can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks and may have a detrimental impact on your quality of life. If trying out new sleep positions doesn’t help alleviate back pain, consider scheduling an appointment with our team of experts at Ogden Chiropractic. With years of experience, we’re confident that we can identify the cause of your back pain and get you back on the road to enjoying quality time with your loved ones.
In addition to treating back pain, we can help you recover from muscle cramps, vertigo, and more. If you want to schedule an appointment to address your back pain or would like to speak to a member of our team about the additional services we provide, contact us today.